Image Source: http://www.essential-architecture.com/LO/022-Paddington_Station_rush_hour.jpg
So today I had my first experience of heading into London from Reading. This was mildly exciting as I had never been to London Padington before, however this excitment was dulled somewhat when I got there and 1/2 was covered in scaffolding - still the train was nicely refurbished inside.
I met a very good friend from my school days for lunch (on him) near where he works for the FSA in Canary Wharf (thank you again!) which was nice, especially since it's been ages since we had a proper catch up. It was nice to be in London again and I must confess I spent more money than I had intended. In my defence how could I resist when I was in the largest Waterstones I know of (Picadilly Circus). The reason I spent more than I was intending was that the new Patricia Cornwell novel was at less than 1/2 price when you spent £10 (I could easily spend 10 times that much in there). One paperback isn't enough, but two is somewhat over, but at least I now have three books to keep me going, as the one I am currently reading is quickly nearing the end - already!
That was the second good part of the day. BUT then it went a bit down hill. I got back to Padington only to realise that there was an afternoon peak from 16:00 so the last train I could get turned out to be the slow service on trains needing a bit of a refurb. Then when I got into Reading after going in two Sainsbury's and WH Smith, I couldn't get a copy of the Daily Telegraph as they had all sold out. Whilst I realise these are petty problems compared to those that many people have, it still made me a little grumpy.
Still I did get my Starbucks on the way home :-)
Lj x