Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Duck Invasion


Well as you can see this is my first post. I have no idea if anyone will actually read this...if you do I hope you find it interesting!

I'm all alone in a new town at the moment as my boyfriend is on a residential training course for work at the moment. So what have I been doing?

This morning I was going to go running, but apparently after having gone for a run Monday morning my body (particularly my legs) were having none of it - so I went for a civilised walk instead! I popped into Tesco (which by the way is HUGE and full of horrible tacky bright colours - can you tell I'm not a Tesco fan?) brought bread and then fed the Ducks, Swans, Canadian Geese, Morehens...

I'm still amazed at how Ducks seem to be able to sense bread from semmingly large distances, and it is almost scary as they all come swooping towards you, spraying water everywhere as they land. One Duck soon becomes a swarm of Ducks and Swans!

Anyway, I didn't spend the whole day feeding Ducks, I'm not quite that sad (~). I popped into town to sit in Starbucks with a Grande Soya Sugar Free Vanilla Latte (something which I always struggle to order without preparing myself mentally beforehand) and 'A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian' by Marina Lewycka. Despite not being grabbed as soon as I turned the first page, it has turned out to be a very interesting and at times a 'chuckle to myself' funny read. I'd recommend giving it a go, and I challenge you not to feel connected to the characters, which I can all too easily imagine are real.

I also brought the Daily Telegraph/Torygraph whilst in town, and I continue to be infuriated by the news that after flogging our gold reserves at around a quarter of its current market price between 1999 and 2002, Gordon Brown is now hoping to sell assets such as the Channel Tunnel and Dartford Crossing at knock down prices. Is he mad? (Rhetorical Question!) Surely it would be better to wait for prices to rise again! As one reader points out in his letter to the Editor, "budget deficit should be measured as the change in debt minus the change in assetts" (N G Mankiw) so yes we may have less debt, but also fewer assetts so overall no change really!


Anyway, on that note, I'd best go before I start to rant!

Ta Ta

Lj x


  1. Yep, that is a mouthful to order like that when stepping up to the Starbucks Counter...so, I keep my order now to a Chai Latte.....simple enough for an old girl like me! Welcome to Blog World!

  2. Hey Lewis,
    when are you starting to work then?
    Greetings from "next door" (almost...) in Surrey.

  3. Hi Sig

    I start my two weeks training on the 25th of this month and then on to St Pancras. To be honest I can't wait to start and get a bit of structure.

  4. and the next post will be....when??
