Wednesday, 14 October 2009

STOP! Well I Just Dance The Way I Feel

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So, I actually went jogging this morning despite my legs still protesting. Unfortunately it served to remind me how unfit I've become and why I need to cut down on the cake (not helped at all by the bakery counter in Waitrose!). On a kind of related side note, after finally being connected to the internet, upon checking my e-mail I discover I have missed a free muffin morning at Starbucks for card holders - I'm both frustrated by this and also relieved as even if I'd had a 'skinny' muffin this would have been a bad start to my new healthy living!

Anyway, I was thinking (worrying? probably!) as I walked into town earlier about lies that mums/dads tell children. For example my mum always told me to eat my peas otherwise I wouldn't grow a hairy chest. This begs the question, why would a seven year old particularly wish to have a hairy chest? I should point out that my basis for this being a lie is that I have never liked peas and so rarely ate them as a child, yet my chest (from a worryingly early age in my opinion) is indeed covered in hair. Rather than making me feel manly, I rather feel like a yeti most mornings. It's a good thing I never sleep walked at scout camps otherwise I probably would hve been shot by hunters in the woods. I've side-tracked - whoops.

I'll leave you for today with a book update - I have now finished 'A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian' and can confidently say it is well worth a read.

Lj x

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